Online reputation management

Being omnipresent on the web is a given now. Online reputation management ensures your image is perceived as favorable, appealing, and authoritative.

Our team of specialists has years of combined experience and valuable insider knowledge that spans dozens of industries. You may be worried that our team will come in and completely change your current processes and strategies, potentially causing issues and friction across your company, but that isn’t how we operate. We act as an extension of your organization so you can think of us as an additional team working alongside the rest of your staff, and we work full-time to find and implement cost reduction opportunities, which is something the majority of organizations don’t have the time or resources to do internally. 

What is all the hype about online reputation management?
Here’s how our team of specialists can help:
If I can’t find savings there’s no fee

What the public is saying about your organization – in social media comments, on review sites, and via other online channels – has a massive impact on its reputation. The reputation of your business has a knock-on effect on its performance and productivity.

Did you know that:


of buyers have as much faith in online reviews
as personal recommendations?


of consumers look for a four-or more star rating
before choosing to support a business?

You simply cannot afford to ignore the value of professional online reputation management.

Here are steps to protect your online reputation:



Put down on paper a description of how you would like to be perceived (authoritative, innovative, friendly, quick etc.).



Investigate and assess your current digital reputation.



Set out a social media policy clearly stating how the company and your employees are expected to interact online.


Create a digital marketing strategy to develop trust with your target market – use social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and solicited reviews.

The best part is that you can grow your online reputation and use the results to both highlight your happy customers and win over any negative feedback. Showcase your star ratings on your website to increase your sales.

Start with a
Marketing Blueprint

Our experienced digital marketing professionals start by creating a marketing blueprint specifically for your business. Not only will it keep your online reputation on top form, it will also ensure that your digital marketing supports the buyer’s journey at every stage.

Why should I choose The Profit Multiplier?

President and founder of The Profit Multiplier, Trevor Belcher has spent years working for Fortune 500 companies, particularly regarding the growth of their businesses in the Middle East and Africa.

His “Revenue Growth” service aims to improve your ratio of qualified leads to grow revenue and drastically enhance your competitive posture and help you win more in your market.

Are you ready to start growing your revenue?
Then contact The Profit Multiplier today.

Contact Us

1331 Major Mckenzie Drive, Vaughan Ontario, Canada L6A 4W4